Loving the church and others as they are…
I. DEALING with our DISAGREEMENTS. (14:1-12)
C. There is an EXTERNAL STANDARD… (14:4,7-8,11-12)
D. …YOU are not IT. (14:4,10)
Unless you go to a church that only has 1 person in it, odds are good that there will be some disagreements within the church you go to. The house churches of Rome had their fair share of issues. As Paul winds down his letter he reminds his readers (once again) how the gospel impacts the way they live with one another.
1. Kid’s Question: Why do you think you get in arguments with other kids?
2. Read 14:4. What is the difference between judging others and standing for truth?
II. PAUL’S practical ADVICE. (14:13-15:13)
A. STOP passing JUDGMENT. (14:13-18)
B. PRIORITIZE acting in LOVE toward others. (14:15-21; 15:1-7)
C. God’s KINGDOM is BIGGER than ours. (14:17)
D. FOLLOW the example of CHRIST. (15:3-13)
The gospel leads to certain practices…certain ways of living with one another that come out of the truths of what God has done for us. Paul makes those clear. If we have experienced the love and grace of God then it should flow out through our actions toward others.
3. What role do we play in pointing out the truth to others? What does Matthew 7:1-5 contribute to our understanding of this question?
4. If everyone is accountable to God, what should be our primary concerns in regards to truth?
5. What does “acting in love” (14:15) actually look like in relationships with those with whom we disagree?
III. APPLYING these things to our CONTEXT. (15:4)
A. Expect DIVERSITY within the CHURCH/BODY. (14:1-15:13; Rev. 7:9)
B. Reject the idols of AUTONOMY and AUTHENTICITY. (14:7,8,12; Jdg. 21:25)
C. SURRENDER yourself to your master, JESUS. (14:7-12; Jn 21:22)
D. Hold your “POSITION” with the “POSTURE” of Jesus. (14:10,19; 15:5-8; 1 Pet. 2:21-23)
And while the big issue in Rome was the past histories of Jews and Gentiles, there is a lot of wisdom for the way we live together as believers today embedded within this passage. The truth is still the same, and it speaks to our lives in very specific ways.
6. What kinds of diversity within the church make you uncomfortable? Why?
7. How would you describe what Jeff calls the “idols of autonomy and authenticity”?Do you see examples of this in our culture? In the church?
8. Where might you need to adapt your “posture” to be more like Jesus in therelationships you have with those with whom you disagree?