Grace Baptist Kids
For many years children and youth programs have been a major part of GBC and thousands of kids have enjoyed the various programs that range from kindergarten to grade 12.
Weekly Programs
Boys & Girls Clubs on Wednesdays 3:00-5:00 pm
For kids in grades 1-6
Sunday School 9:45 am
Grades K-7
Sunday School for all ages is here. For Kindergarten through grade 7.
2-6 Year Olds
Children’s Space is a special area in the sanctuary for families of 2-6 year olds to hang out during the pastors message in the Sunday worship service. The kids have an area where parents can ensure individual, quiet play with a variety of low-noise/no-noise options. Our belief is that church is for everyone, including children, and this space gives them a chance to perhaps listen to what is being taught.