Season of Advent – Part 3 (Joy)

Zechariah 10:1-12

Season of Advent – Part 3 (Joy)

When God “Whistles”

I. HOPE and PEACE will lead to JOY. (10:1-3)
A. SEARCH in the right PLACE. (v.1-2)
B. WANDERING Sheep with MISSING leaders. (v.2-3)
C. The LORD will be the SHEPHERD. (v.3)

In this third week we return to the multi-layered and apocalyptic Zechariah to light our third Advent candle…the candle of Joy. This is the time of year we remember the shepherds who went with great joy to find the baby Jesus. But even hundreds of years before this, God was promising joy to his people.

1. Kid’s Question: When would you say something happened to you that brought you great joy?
2. When have you seen poor “shepherds” in the church lead people down the wrong path and cause harm? When have you seen the opposite?

II. The IMPACT of the Shepherd’s PRESENCE. (v.4-12)
A. He STRENGTHENS and SAVES. (v.4-6,11-12)
B. He RESPONDS and RESTORES. (v.6,9-10)
C. He CALLS his own to JOY . (v.7-8)

Although the current “shepherds” of Israel have failed the people, the Lord will shepherd them in the way that they need to go. Through His presence with them He will change everything for His people. As He walks with them the path will lead to Joy.

3. When have you experienced God saving or strengthening you in your own life?
4. How do you react when it feels as if you are calling out to God and He seems not to respond? What does this passage speak that impacts you in those situations?
5. When has Joy surprised you in a situation? What is the difference for you between joy and happiness?

III. EMBRACING the MESSAGE of Advent. (Lk 2:10)
A. God “WHISTLES” us to JOY . (v.7-8; Jn 15:11-13; Lk 6:22-23)
B. RESPONDING to Him or searching ELSEWHERE? (v.1-2; Jer. 2:13)
C. CHOOSING what seems COUNTER-INTUITIVE. (v.9-12; Mt. 5:11-12; Heb. 11:1)
D. LEADING others as we are LED. (v.2-3; 1 Cor. 2:1-3)

So what do we take away from this text today? What is it that impacts our own search for joy? There are some key things to hold on to from the text. First, we have to look for joy in the right place. Second, we have to understand that the pathway to joy is often not what we expected. And finally, we have to let our joy spill over onto those around us.

6. What is God whistling you toward at the moment? Where do you sense Him calling you and what does the calling entail?
7. Where have you come up empty in your life as you searched for joy in other places?
8. How will you welcome joy this week? How will you share that joy with those around you?

“Joy is the serious business of heaven.”
– C.S. Lewis

Due to technical difficulties, there is no audio available for this week.