Revelation: Things Are Not As They Seem – Part 12

Blood and Bridles – Not what you think Known by their Song Revelation 14:1-5; 15:1-4 June 19th, 2016


A. The EMPIRE of the BEAST. (14:8-11)
B. The KINGDOM of the SLAIN LAMB. (14:1-5, 12-13; 15:1-4)

Last week we saw the contrast, the empire of the beast (the system that all the world lives by) and the Kingdom of the Slain Lamb (the call to give your life in loving sacrifice following the example of Jesus). It all comes down to a question of choice who will you follow?

1. When we draw the line it seems so simple to tell these two kingdoms apart. What are some of the more subtle ways that the empire of the beast finds its way into our everyday lives?
2. Which of the teachings of Jesus (think through the Sermon on the Mount in Mt. 5-7) seem to be the most challenging for you to live out?

A. …Is a FOLLOWER not an OWNER. (14:1,4,5; I Cor. 6:19-20)
B. …REPRESENTS His LORDSHIP over all. (14:4)
C. …Lives in LOVE and FAITHFULNESS. (14:4)
D. …LOOKS like JESUS. (14:5; Acts 11:26; Rom. 8:28-29)
E. …WINS! (15:2)
F. …Is KNOWN by their SONG. (14:3; 15:3-4)

The followers of Jesus were soon called Christians. (Acts 11:26) It literally meant little Christ. This was a tangible expression of the fact that they didnt just talk about Jesus but that they actually imitated Him in their actions. From the two snapshots in our text we can several visible markers that help to distinguish us as disciples of the lamb of God…

3. In what ways do you struggle with ownership of your own life?
4. Are there areas of your life in which you have a hard time acknowledging Gods Lordship? What could you do to grow in your ability to surrender these areas?
5. In what ways does the act of baptism symbolize the characteristics listed above?

A. There is a CHOICE to be MADE. (Jn 21:21-22)
B. Those who FOLLOW grow to RESEMBLE. (14:5; Lk 6:40,43-45)
C. Notice where the SONG is SUNG. (15:2; Phil. 2:14-16)
D. The song is BUILDING and will not be DEFEATED. (15:2)

Like always, the text is about today. What choice will we make? What song will we sing? Who will we resemble? This is a powerful song that is taking over the world in small and inconspicuous ways. Would you have expected anything less from a God who comes to us in a stable with poor Jewish parents?

6. Who do you know who looks like Jesus? What about this draws others to
them? Will people always love you if you look like Jesus?
7. What would you say is the key to developing the character of Christ in your own life? What role does the larger body of believers play in that?
8. What are some of the specific ways that you can sing this song this week…