The Joy of the Gospel
I. The FOUNDATION of Paul’s Joy (v. 1-11)
A. A Shared PURPOSE (v. 3-5)
II. The CIRCUMSTANCES of Paul’s Joy (v. 12-20)
A. Paul is RESTRICTED (v. 12-14)
B. Paul’s Life is ENDANGERED (v.20, II Cor. 1:8-9)
III. The SOURCE of Paul’s Joy (v. 19-26)
A. Christ’s EXALTATION (v. 12-14,18,20,26)
B. His own SALVATION (v. 19-20)
IV. Finding the LIFE of JOY
A. TRUST the REFINER (v. 19)
B. LIVE for that which CANNOT be TAKEN (v. 20-23)
C. Forsake the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS (v. 3-8, ???)
Questions for Further Reflection
1. Kid’s Question: What is one of your happiest moments? What do you think brings true happiness? What do you imagine “partnership” in the gospel looks like?
2. What area of your life do you feel especially aware that God’s work in you is not complete? Are you confident that He will be faithful to complete the work? How does that make you feel?
3. Can you think of moments in your life that were difficult that still had a sense of joy? What is the common thread that runs through joy?
4. What difficult times in your life can you look back on and see that God was using to shape you? As you reflect on those times, what emotions come up for you?
5. What would it look like for Christ to be exalted in your own life?
6. Complete the sentence- For me, to live is ________, to die is _________. What steps might you need to take to make Paul’s joy a reality in your own life?