The Life and Times of Judge Gideon
I. When Reading Judges…
A. Resist the Urge to Idolize
B. Remember the Story of the Bible (Gen. 3:15)
C. Review the Cycle of Sin (Judges 2:11-22)
II. An Overview of Gideon’s Ups and Downs (Judges 6-8)
A. God Calls a New (Not Improved) (Moses 6:11-35)
1. A Familiar Conversation (6:11-16)
2. A Man Full of Doubts (v.13, 15, 17, 27)
3. An Act of Bravery and Fear (v. 25-32)
B. Gideon Leads God’s (Dwindling) Army (Judges 6:36-7:25)
1. Gideon Lays out the Fleece… (v.36-40)
2. God Fleeces Gideon out of His Army (7:1-8)
3. Another Semi-Heroic Act (v.9-25)
C. Gideon’s (Not So) Happy Ending (Judges 8:1-32)
1. Someone has Found his Confidence (v.1-3, v.7-9)
2. If Vengeance was a Virtue… (v.13-2)
3. Right Back Where We Started (v. 22-31)
III. What are you Running from?
A. Don’t Run from Doubt
B. Don’t Run from Pain
C. Don’t Run from Desires
Questions for Further Reflection:
1. Kid’s Question: How can you tell if someone in the Bible is a hero or not? What is the story of the Bible really about?
2. In what ways do we as individuals or perhaps as a faith community participate in our own cycle of sin?
3. How familiar were you with Gideon’s story prior this sermon? What was your impression of him? How has that changed?
4. Have you ever felt a distinct call from God but also experienced doubt? How did you resolve that?5. What is the relationship between Faith and Doubt in your spiritual journey?
6. Is it appropriate to test God as Gideon did in chapter 7? How else might we deal with our doubts and fears?
7. What areas of your life have you perhaps taken the credit or glory for and not properly thanked God?
8. What unaddressed pain or unexpressed desires have crept up in your life and how have they harmed you or others? How might you begin to acknowledge these realities?