If You Build it…
I. The Temple Lies in Ruins (Haggai 1:1-11)
A. A Decision about God’s Will… (1:2)
B. … becomes a Question of Priorities (1:4)
C. The Forgotten Art of Considering Your Ways (1:5-11)
II. An Unimpressive Building Project (2:1-9)
A. A Source of Shame and Failure… (2:2-3)
B. … becomes an Invitation to Trust and Work (2:4-5)
C. The Liberating Power of Working with God (2:6-9; Phil. 2:12-13)
III. A Season of Anxiety (2:10-23)
A. A Question about Ritual Protocol… (2:10-13, Lev. 6, 22)
B. … becomes an Indictment of the People… (2:14)
C. … but also a Promise of Grace (2:19)
D. The Reckless Hope of Planting a Seed (2:19-23; Jer. 22:24-30; Matt. 1:12)
IV. Wake Up!
A. What are You Building? (I Peter 2:4-5; I Cor. 6:19-20)
B. Where are You Discouraged? (Matt. 11:28-30)
C. Where is Your Hope? (Rom. 5:2b-8)
Questions for further reflection:
1. Kid’s Question: What do you spend the most of your time doing? What does that say about what is important to you?
2. How do you discern God’s will for your life?
3. What are the ways you intentionally “listen to your life”?
4. What areas of your life (relationships, sin, public failure) have been places of shame or failure for you? How does the shame or embarrassment affect you?
5. Do you tend to have more of a fatalist approach or a determinist approach when it comes to action?
6. In what areas do you feel God is calling you to “Be strong! Work!”? What do you imagine it might look like to work under Jesus’ yoke?
7. When have you felt deserving of punishment but been offered grace instead? How did that affect you?
8. How does the seed metaphor connect with your relationship to Jesus?
9. Reflect on the last 3 questions from the outline. Is the Holy Spirit convicting you or offering you comfort in some way or another?