Mission – Acts The Big Picture Acts 1:1-11 April 8th, 2018
I. The BOOK of ACTS.
A. The KEY to the whole BOOK. (Acts 1:8)
B. In JERUSALEM. (Chap. 2-7)
C. In JUDEA and SAMARIA (Chap. 8-12)
D. To the ENDS of the EARTH. (Chap. 12-28)
Today we start the season of Mission. He is Risen, He is risen indeed, and that leads us into the world as his ambassadors with the power of His resurrection fueling our mission. The book of Acts chronicles the early church as they set out to share the gospel of Jesus in a world that was hostile to them. Over the next 3 months we will see that their experience speaks powerfully to where we are living today.
1. What stands out to you about the stories of the early church? What questions do you have about what it was like to be a believer during that time?
2. What is your Jerusalem? Your Judea and Samaria? Your ends of the earth? How can you be a witness in those places?
II. JUST the BEGINNING… (v.1-8)
A. From God THERE to God WITH to God IN. (v.1-2, 5,8)
B. But the SAME Kingdom MESSAGE. (v.3-5; Lk. 10:9)
Acts could be named “Luke: The Sequel” because it continues the gospel of Luke. He is writing for a man named Theophilus to share all that Jesus did and continues to do in His world. The Kingdom theme is still central, but once again, it looks different than the disciples expect.
3. What is your own experience and understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role that the Spirit plays in your life from day to day?
4. What does the term, “Kingdom of God” mean to you? Does it impact your day today life? Why or why not?
III. Jesus CONTINUES His “ACTS” through the SPIRIT. (v.5-11)
A. SPIRIT empowered WITNESSES. (v.8; Lk 17:20-21)
B. RE-PRESENTING the ENTHRONED King. (v.8-9; Phil. 2:8-11)
C. UNTIL He RETURNS. (v.10-11; Jn 14:1-3)
Luke’s whole point in this introduction is that in his gospel he wrote about what Jesus started to do, and in this book of Acts he continues with what Jesus is still doing. He’s living in and through his followers. The work is continuing.
5. What does it mean to be a witness? How does that look in your own life? How does the Spirit empower you to do that?
6. What are some tangible, practical ways that you can “re-present” Jesus to the people around you day after day?
IV. WHY do you STAND here…? (Chap. 29)
A. We are on MISSION with GOD. (v.8; Jn 20:21)
B. KNOWING or WITNESSING? (v.6-8; Jn 9:24-33)
C. FAILURE is not an OPTION. (v.11; Ps. 33:11)
The question asked by the angels confronts us as well. Will we watch what happened, or will we surrender to the Spirit and follow where Jesus leads? God has a mission to redeem the world and renew and restore creation. We are called to witness to the way He is doing that in our own lives. He will make sure that we succeed.
7. What part do you think that you are called to play in the mission of God? What does it look like in your life?
8. Does your struggle in understanding hinder your being a witness? How can you witness this week?