Luke: An Orderly Account The Gospel is bigger than we think Luke 4:14-30 January 14, 2017
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I. Jesus’ MAKES a bold DECLARATION. (v.14-21)
B. The NATURE of the GOSPEL. (v.18-19)
C. The DUAL IMPACT of the gospel. (v. 22,28; Ezek. 3:3; Rev. 10:9)
Jesus heads home to Nazareth and by this time has quite a reputation. People were expecting great things from this hometown boy, and it started out very promising. He read a passage from Isaiah. It was a beautiful passage filled with hope. But then things got interesting. He claimed to be the fulfillment of the passage. That ruffled some feathers to say the least.
1. What would say was Jesus’ job description? Is it bigger than forgiving our sins?
2. What is the “gospel” in your own words? Why is it good news for the whole world?
3. What personal attitudes could make the true gospel seem like bad news?
II. Two BITTER tasting STORIES… (v.24-30)
A. ELIJAH and the WIDOW. (v.25-26; I Kings 17:8-16)
B. ELISHA and NAAMAN. (v.27; 2 Kings 5:1-14)
C. The gospel WELCOMES the “OTHER”. (v.18-19; Jn 1:14; Phil. 2:5-8)
The truth of the gospel sound beautiful to those who need and are realize their need. But for those who see the gospel to be something that they can have and use for their own benefit, but try to keep the beauty all to themselves, the gospel has a bite.
4. Would you say Jesus was diplomatic when he told the two stories from the OT? Why would he say it this way?
5. Who do we see as the “other” when it comes to society today? How is the gospel good news for them?
III. Let the GOSPEL be BIG. (v.18-19; Rev. 21:5)
A. Admit the DEPTH of your own NEED. (Ps. 51:1-3)
B. RECEIVE the Gospel, don’t CONTROL it. (Jn 1:10-12; Mt. 20:13-15)
C. Live “GOSPELLY” toward the WORLD around you. (2 Cor. 5:17-21)
Nazareth was concerned about Nazareth. Jesus was the hometown boy, his success and acclaim was theirs, or so they thought. Jesus saw right to the heart of that thinking and reminded people that the gospel was meant to be shared, not contained. It is big, and world changing. And it needs to now through us to the world around us.
6. What keeps us from being honest about the true depth of our need?
7. How can you tell if you are receiving the gospel or trying to control it? How does receiving it impact your relationship with the others around you?
8. What is one thing you can do this week to live out the gospel in your life this week?