Coming to The One Who Comes to Us – Part 8

John 13:1-17

Coming to The One Who Comes to Us – Part 8

Coming as King in an Unexpected Way

I. It’s a DINNER with FRIENDS. (vs 2)
B. There’s a MIXTURE of FEELINGS at the table. (vs 2, 6)
C. Jesus MAKES it AWKWARD. (vs 4-5)

1. What are some mixed feelings you have about your life experience with Jesus? How has Jesus made it awkward for you?
2. Kids Question: When you get together for a big dinner with family or friends what parts do you look forward to? Has anything strange happened at your dinners?

II. But it’s ALSO the PASSOVER. (vs 1; Ex 12:1-30; Judges 6:7-10)

Engaging with the sacrificial lamb at the passover represents a surrender to the Spirit of God. There was nothing that the Jews could do to avoid the coming plague of death to save themselves. All they could do was be obedient by painting the blood of the Lamb on their doorposts that night in trust that death would pass over their family. They had to Entrust themselves to God.

III. A GOD who will RESCUE them.
A. The UNDERSTANDABLE EXPECTATIONS of the Disciples. (Lk 19:28-38)
B. Jesus REORIENTS this FEAST too. (Jn 7:14, 28, 46)
C. INVITING them in to something DEEPER. (vs 8)
     1. Jesus in the MIDST of their HUMAN experience.
     2. CONFIDENT relationship with His Father MOTIVATES action.

3. What are expectations you have had of God? How has he challenged you to reorient them?
4. What are the dirty feet you are hesitant to expose?
5. What difference would it make if you were confident Jesus would accept you just as you are?

IV. The INVITATION is the SAME for us. (1Jn 4:16)
A. LIVING out of a SECURE identity. (Jn 13:1,3; Jn 10:15,30; 5:19; 7:16, 28-29; 8:42; Phil 2:5-8, 12)
B. Being WILLING to serve in SURPRISING ways. (vs Jn 1:5, 12-17)
C. OPPORTUNITIES for Jesus POWERED reorientation. (1Jn 4:13-16)

When we receive the crazy love of this relationship that accepts and covers all our brokenness, and continue to come back to it every time we turn way, over time, it transforms us.

6. What are the things, positions, reputations, etc, that you have found your identity in?
7. Have you had opportunities to serve others in surprising or unlikely ways? What was that like?

Where do you notice the awkward tension? Where are you experiencing resistance to his His word speaking into your situation? Are there scriptures or people or situations that you just want to ignore because they make you uncomfortable? Are there circumstances that have been turned upside down and seem confusing? These could be opportunities to sit with Jesus, bring these things to him, like exposing your dirty feet, and find out what he is inviting you into.