Giving Options

Everyone loves to give. And we all give in different ways: time, gifts and financially. We are excited to allow you the opportunity to support financially the ministries at GBC using a choice of options. So now, whether you are here in Hope, BC or far away – you can share in God’s work at GBC.

Automatic Withdrawal & E-transfer

envision_logoThrough our financial institution, Envision Credit Union, you can sign up for automatic withdrawals from your bank account. Click here to download the application form and submit it to our Office Administrator.

Interac E-transfer: You can send an e-transfer through your online banking. Send the payment to GBC via the email There is a “Comments” section in which to communicate any details for your donation. If this is your first donation to GBC, please put your name and address in the comment box so that we can be sure to get you a receipt for your gift.

Give By Mail

canadapostAs a time-honoured tradition, and support for our friends at Canada Post, you can also give by sending a cheque in the mail. Please don’t send money, it’s not very safe to mail cash. Please make cheques payable to “Grace Baptist Church” and address your envelope to:

Grace Baptist Church
Box 1540
Hope, BC
V0X 1L0