The Temporary Kingdom – Part 4

Selections from 2 Samuel 11 and 12

The Temporary Kingdom – Part 4

A Not-So-Secret Family Secret

I. A RUTHLESS abuse of POWER. (11:1-27)
A. LISTEN…an ECHO of Eden. (11:1-5; Gen.3:6)
B. Two ATTEMPTS to HIDE the truth.(v.6-24)

C. David SAYS more than he REALIZES.(v.25-27; 12:10)

This is far from your typical Thanksgiving Sunday sermon text. But the beauty of a lectionary is that it keeps you from avoiding the difficult texts that might make us feel uncomfortable. We’ve seen David learning and growing as he has moved from shepherd boy to King. Today we see him fail in a way that seems far beyond redemption.

1. Kid’s Question: Have you ever tried to hide something that you did because you didn’t want to get caught? How did that feel? 

2. What stands out to you most about chapter 11? Why do you think that is?

II. The POWER of a well-told STORY. (12:1-25)
A. IGNORANT of his own SINFULNESS.(12:1-6)

B. CONFRONTED by the PAINFUL truth.(12:7-12)

C. REPENTANCE doesn’t always change RESULTS.(12:13-23)
D. Yet GRACE amazingly OVERCOMES.(12:24-25)

The way God confronts David’s sin through Nathan teaches us a lot about the way sin embeds itself in our lives and hides beneath the surface of our own awareness. David misses the point of the story completely until Nathan drives it home. After that, David can’t get away from the horrible things he has done.

3. Have you ever had someone tell you something that helped you see a part of yourself that you didn’t know was there? Were you open to what they said or resistant? 

4. How does it impact you when you fail?Is it hard for you to accept the grace of God at your points of failure?

III. Some THOUGHTS on human BROKENNESS. (Ps. 139:23-24)
A. It’s a COMPLEX REALITY we cannot AVOID.(Rom.3:10-12) 

B. Sin is BIGGER than a THING we do.(v.9-10; Ps.51:3-5; Gen.3-4) 

C. HONEST relationships start the HEALING. (12:1-7,13; James 5:16) 

D. HOLINESS, DISCIPLINE, and CONSEQUENCE. (12:9-10; Heb 12:10-11; Heb. 10:10) 

E. Give THANKS for overwhelming GRACE. (12:24-25; Ps. 136)

What does this story say to us today and can the message here lead us to thankfulness? I think that it can, but the path to true thankfulness often takes us through a difficult process of being honest with ourselves about the extent of our need. The good news is that God is not surprised about what lies within us…He has chosen to love us despite our brokenness.

5. Do you see sin as an act or more as a sickness that we carry with us? What is the difference? Which do you think is a more correct understanding? 

6. Do you have a Nathan in your life? If not, is there someone you could begin to cultivate that type of relationship with? 

7. How can you tell if painful things in your life are just a reality, God’s discipline, or consequences of past actions? 

8. What does the fact that Jesus took all the punishment for sin on the cross say to you? What can you say to God in thankfulness for that truth?