Hints About the Coming Kingdom
I. The ANGRY king of ARAM. (v.8-14)
A. A typical CONFLICT not unlike TODAY. (v.8-11)
B. IDENTIFY the PROBLEM hindering SUCCESS. (v.11-13)
C. Use POWER to ELIMINATE the problem. (v.14)
D. HOW is that WORKING for you? (Prov.26:11)
This week we will wrap up the Kingdom series with a story that points from the failing temporary Kingdom of Israel to the coming eternal unfailing Kingdom of God. It is such a unique story that it needs to be told over and over. We have to reflect on what is happening here as it gives some insight into God and the nature of His kingdom.
1. Kid’s Question: When have you had an argument with someone? How did it work out?
2. In what ways is your approach to problems like that of the King of Aram? (Identify theproblem and use power to eliminate it.) How is that working for you?
II. God’s KINGDOM operates DIFFERENTLY. (v.15-23)
A. It WORKS in ways that are HIDDEN. (v.15-17)
B. It is DEPENDENT on the ACTION of God. (v.18)
C. It CALLS for CREATIVE engagement. (v.19-20)
D. It hosts FEASTS instead of FUNERALS. (v.21-23)
The Kingdom of God is vastly different from what we usually think of as a kingdom. Some theologians have called it the “Upside-down Kingdom” because it seems to take the opposite path than what we would expect at almost every turn. What Elisha does in our story pulls back the curtain and lets us see some principles of the Kingdom of God in action.
3. Why is it challenging sometimes to be content to serve or act in hidden or small ways?
4. When have you seen “the action of God” in your own life? Is it scary to place yourself in aposition of dependence on God? What if He doesn’t “show up”?
5. Creatively inviting people to a feast is not the way we usually deal with problems. What aresome ways that God might be asking you to creatively address the world around you in a way that presents the Kingdom of God?
III. Living TRUE to God’s KINGDOM at all LEVELS. (Jn. 18:36; Mt. 6:33)
A. Embrace the HIDDEN and the SMALL .(v.16; Zech. 4:10; Mt. 18:3; Ps.131)
B. Pray for VISION and PERSPECTIVE. (v.16-17; 2 Cor. 4:18)
C. RISK yourself in DEPENDENCE upon God. (v.18-20; Mt. 14:28)
D. Live as an INVITATION to the King’s FEAST. (v.22-23; Mt. 22:1-14)
With the coming of Jesus, the Kingdom of God was launched here in the hearts and lives of those who follow Him. One day when He returns again it will come in its fullness. Until then we are called to live out the Kingdom of God in the middle of the kingdoms of the world as a witness to everyone around us. What are some steps we can take to live that out?
6. What are some hidden or small things that you can do this week to proclaim and demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God?
7. How is your “vision” for seeing what God might be doing? What are some steps you could take to improve your seeing of the unseen?
8. Where might God be calling you to risk living in dependence on Him instead of having everything figured out? How will you respond this week?