The Temporary Kingdom – Part 1

I Samuel 17:1-58

The Temporary Kingdom – Part 1

Rereading a Famous Bible Story

I. The TACTICS of the OPPOSITION. (v.1-16)
A. DEFINING the terms of ENGAGEMENT. (v.8-9)
B. INCITING and USING fear. (v.10-11, 23-24)

This is a really famous story, and one that we often use to give us courage to fight the giants that we face in our lives on a regular basis. It has much to say to us about this… and about much more. Looking at it in a little depth may yield some surprises.

1. Kid’s Question: What’s your favourite part about the David and Goliath story? Why?
2. How strong and influence do you think fear plays in your own life? (1 to 10?) Why do you think that is?

II. How to ENGAGE this POORLY . (v.16)
A. FEARFULLY accept the TERMS. (v.24-25)
B. FIGHT with the same WEAPONS. (v.38-39)
C. FORGET the transcendent REALITY . (v.8)

Author Caroll Bryant says that “Everyone in life has a purpose, even if it’s to serve as a bad example.” The armies of Israel under the leadership of Saul are proving to be a smashing success at being a bad example. What can we learn from them about what we shouldn’t do?

3. Where are some specific places where you’ve seen yourself fall into the same rut as the army of Israel as you confront situations in your life?
4. How strong and influence do you think fear plays in your own life? (1 to 10?) Why do you think that is?

III. Hints TOWARD a bigger STORY . (Lk. 24:27)
A. Some WORDS are worth 1000 PICTURES. (v.1-5)
B. Being SAVED by a SHEPHERD. (v.14-15, 50-51)
C. STRENGTH made perfect in WEAKNESS. (v.47; 2 Cor. 12:9-10; Mk. 15:39)

Once again, I can’t commend the work of the Bible Project enough. So much of what we will see in this section comes from their amazing scholarship. But it’s really true, all of Scripture is one unified story that leads to Jesus. Even a battle with a giant over 1000 years before Jesus was born.5. How does rethinking this passage in terms of Jesus defeating sin and death change your understanding and the way you apply it?

6. When have you felt overwhelmed and weak as you face something? How does the gospel support you and give hope in that situation?

IV. LIVING this out through our SMALLER story. (2 Cor. 5:16-17)
A. ANCHOR our lives in the bigger REALITY . (v.34-37; Jn 13:1-5)
B. Play your ROLE, not the LEAD. (v.47; Lk. 6:40)
C. CHOOSE your WEAPONS carefully. (v.39; 2 Cor. 10:3-5)
D. BOAST in your WEAKNESS. (v.39; 2 Cor. 12:9-10)

It’s fun to see the bigger story here, and it reminds us not to be afraid. That the things we face on a daily basis are no surprise to God. But how do we let that bigger story trickle down into our day to day lives? How does it shape us as we meet the giants that we face. There’s some good ideas in this text.

7. What are 1 or 2 practical ways you can anchor your life in the bigger, truer reality?
8. What are the best weapons to fight with, and how will you choose to use them? What are the worst weapons and how will you avoid them?