A Joy-Filled Return
I. Joy comes to THOSE who NEED it. (v.7-9)
A. Those who are FAR AWAY. (v.8)
B. The NEEDY and DISCARDED. (v.8)
C. Those who CANNOT stop CRYING. (v.9)
D. God will LEAD them all HOME. (v.9)
One of the key parts of walking through Advent is an honest acknowledgement that far too often we are not where we hoped to be. Sometimes that is because we have wandered away from the wisdom of God. Other times it’s because the brokenness of the world has just spilled over on to us and we reap the pain of the actions of others. But Advent reminds us that these places, both of them, are where Joy comes in the Kingdom of God.
1. Kid’s Question: What does “joy” feel like to you? When have felt joyful and why?
2. Which of the characteristics of “need” describes best where you think you are right now? How confident are you that God could bring joy into that place?
II. What the NATIONS will SEE. (v.10-14)
A. God’s REGATHERING of His PEOPLE. (V.10)
B. God’s KINDNESS and CARE. (v.10)
C. God’s REDEMPTION of what was LOST. (v.11)
D. God’s PROVISION for their NEEDS. (v.12,14)
E. The JOY of a RESTORED people. (v.13)
It’s interesting that God calls His people in this text, but He also calls out to the nations in verse 10. He wants the nations to see and take note? Why is that? Because He longs to draw all nations to Himself. God is at heart a missionary God who wants everyone to be drawn into the Hope, Peace, and Joy that He alone can provide.
3. What do “the nations” see today when they look at the church? Why? How might we better reflect God in the way we live as the church?
4. What are areas of your life where you just feel things have been lost? Are you able to believe that God might in some way redeem or ransom those?
5. What areas of your life feel “scattered” right now? How might God be helping you to “regather” those through your relationship with Him?
III. Letting Joy PENETRATE our EXILE. (v.7)
A. ANCHORING our experience in God’s WORD. (v.7,10,14; Gen. 1:1; Ps. 119)
B. COMING to God as we ARE. (v.8-9; Ps. 34:18)
C. Living with KINGDOM-CENTRED joy now… (v.12-14; Mt. 6:9-10)
D. …as a WITNESS to the whole WORLD. (v.10; 1 Pet. 2:9-10)
So on this third week of Advent, as we light the candle of Joy, let’s quiet our hearts to hear what God might be saying to us in our neediness. How can this contagious joy of a God who will go to desperate lengths to ransom and redeem His people flow into our lives in a time that far too often feels like exile?
6. What would it look like for you to better anchor your experience in the Word of God? How can you take steps toward that this week?
7. What parts of “as you are” do you find difficulty to bring to God? Are you afraid that He will reject those parts of you?
8. What is one way you can practice living with kingdom-centred joy this week as a witness to the world around you?