The Season of Advent – Fourth Sunday ~ Love

Jeremiah 31:1-6

The Season of Advent – Fourth Sunday ~ Love

Waiting for Love

I. The PLIGHT of the Exiles
A. DISTANCE (Jer. 29:4; Psalm 137:1-4)
B. DEPRIVATION (Jer. 30:12-14)
C. DOUBT (Psalm 13:1-4; Psalm 22:1-2)

II. The PROMISE to the Exiles (Jer. 31:1-6)
A. Love DRAWS NEAR (v. 3)
B. Loves RESTORES (v. 4-6)
C. Love is an ETERNAL REALITY (v. 3)

A. Waiting is Never FUN
B. Waiting is Never WASTED (Jer. 29:23-24)
C. Waiting is Never the END (v. 3, 6; Rev. 21:4)

Questions for Further Reflection:

1. When it comes to the matter of love, which of these are you waiting for the most: to love, to be loved, or to be lovely?
2. When has God felt distant in your life? Did anything in particular happen to change that?
3. Have you ever felt disciplined by God? What do you believe God was teaching you in that time?
4. Have hardships made it difficult for you to place your trust in God? Has anything helped you to recenter your faith?
5. When have you felt especially close to God? What preceded and followed that season in your life?
6. What do the echos of OT passages in this text tell you about God’s love?
7. Are there any situations in your life where you need to hear the truth- Love is an eternal reality?
8. In what ways can you wait on love during this season? What might Love’s arrival look like?