The Season of Advent – First Sunday ~ Hope

Jeremiah 29:1-23

The Season of Advent – First Sunday ~ Hope

A Light in Dark Times

I. Addressing a DEFEATED people. (vs 1-3)
A. Jeremiah is a WELL KNOWN but UNPALATABLE prophet.
B. The People/Israelites have been DEFEATED.
C. Jerusalem, the city of GOD, is DESTROYED.
D. As a people they are DISORIENTED and UNSETTLED.

Q. Can you relate at all? Have you experienced this frustration/disconnect/dissonance with someone – you being in the place of either Jeremiah or the people?
Q. What would your questions or insecurities be if you were a part of the exile experience?

A. GOD is still SOVEREIGN over ALL. (vs 4)
B. But why would he carry them into exile to SETTLE IN and PROSPER?
     1. God is calling them to a FRESH START. (vs 4-6)
     2. Giving them an opportunity to be REORIENTED and SETTLED.(vs 5-6)
          a) DISCIPLING verses DISCIPLINE.
     3. Seek the PEACE and PROSPERITY of your ENEMIES. (vs 7, Ps 137)
          a) Prayer REORIENTS hearts. (vs 7)

Q. How would you feel about seeking the peace and prosperity of the people that cause you pain and/or difficulty? What would it be like for you to pursue peace and prosperity with them in mind?

C. They were DISORIENTED. (vs 8-9, Jer 23)
     1. They were being DECEIVED.
     2. Looking to have their NEEDS and DESIRES met by OTHER GODS.
     3. They were pursuing LIES told in GOD’S NAME.
     4. They had FORGOTTEN that YAHWEH was God.

Q: Apart from God, what might you, or we as a culture, be trusting in to satisfy our desires, to take care of us, to meet our needs, settle our fears?
Q. What would it be like to trust God even a little more with this?

D. Their FUTURE looks BLEAK. God gives REASSURANCE.
     1. God is asking them to TRUST him for their FUTURE. (vs 10-11)
     2. God is asking them to SEEK Him for their needs. (vs 12)
     3. God is asking them to SURRENDER their HEARTS to Him. (vs13)
     4. God is asking them to RECEIVE his GRACE. (vs 14)

When their whole hearts are desiring God, are oriented towards him, turned in his direction, they are in a posture to receive the good plans he has for them, plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give them hope and a future.

Q: Do you get the sense that its not just the physical captivity that he will bring them back from but that it’s also from the captivity they are experiencing in their own hearts.
Q: How would you describe the captivity they might be experiencing in their hearts?

III. Receiving His GRACE is an INVITATION not a DEMAND. (vs 12-13-13, Heb 4:15-16)
A. The LIGHT of HOPE meets us in our DARKNESS. (John1:9-14, Luke 1:68-79, Titus 2:11-14)
B. WAITING and RESTING in that hope even alongside the UNCERTAINTY. (Heb 11:1, 8-10, Ps 62:5-8)

Q: To what or who are you oriented to right now?
Q: What would it look like to be reoriented toward Jesus?
Q: Would you consider in what places in your life you may have more opportunities to trust him for your future, seek him for your needs, surrender your heart/desires to him? Who could you share this with?
Q: When have you experienced hope in the darkness? What did that provide for you?