The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Part 9

Revelation 14:1-15:4

The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Part 9

The One at the Centre of It All

I. GRASPING the STRUCTURE of the text. (14:1-15:4)
A. The SONG of the Lamb’s FOLLOWERS. (14:1-5; 15:1-4)
B. THREE angels and three ANGELS. (14:6-13, 15-20)
C. “One like a SON of MAN.” (14:14; Dan. 7:13-14)

The intricacy of the text of Scripture is, to me, one of its greatest proofs. The more you slow down and begin to sit with the text the more levels you are able to see. Today’s text is another example of a Hebrew chiasm. It focuses our attention on the one person worthy of our attention.

1. Kid’s Question: After your parent’s read this passage to you, draw a picture of what you think John saw. What stands out to you?
2. What is the most striking image or element to you from chapter 14? Why is that?

II. The Message: A CHOICE between KINGDOMS. (14:6-20)
A. THREE angels who CLARIFY. (14:6-13)
B. The ONE who REAPS. (14:14; Dan. 7:14)
C. A REAPING that may SURPRISE you. (14:15-20)
D. A HORRIFIC image or a BEAUTIFUL one? (14:19-20)

We have been called to be witnesses, even to the point of death, trusting that God will protect us on both sides of death because we are His. Our message as witnesses is to call others to make the choice that we, by grace, have made. To choose the Kingdom of God over the kingdom of the dragon.

3. If someone asked you to “proclaim the eternal gospel” to them, what would you say?
4. How is your understanding of “the eternal gospel” different than that of the angels? How is it alike?
5. What is your reaction to Jeff’s (and Dr. Darrell Johnson’s) thoughts on 14:19-20?

III. REALITY is not as it SEEMS. (2 Cor. 4:18)
A. A cosmic DRAMA where God is VICTORIOUS. (Rev. 12; Col. 2:15)
B. LIVING during the DRAGON’S last stand. (Rev. 13; Jn 16:33)
C. The BODY of Christ OFFERED for the world. (Rev. 14; Lk 22:19)
D. THEN, NOW, and until He COMES. (Rev. 2:26; Heb 10:23)

Chapter 12-14 of Revelation convey the very centre of the message to the churches who were suffering under the crushing power of Rome. They’re wondering how their current situation fits with the truth of Jesus as Lord. We wonder the same things sometimes.
6. How do the aspects Jeff highlighted from Rev. 12-14 speak to your life at this moment?
7. How can we, as believers, live with an awareness that true gospel reality is not as it seems to be from our perceptions?
8. How might God want you to offer your life for the world around you?