The Gospel According to Romans – Part 1

Romans 16:1-27; 1:1-17

The Gospel According to Romans – Part 1

The Gospel is for People

I. The GOSPEL for Roman HOUSE CHURCHES. (16:1-27; 1:7)
A. A LETTER written in RELATIONSHIP. (16:1-27; 1:8-14)
B. To UNIFY the DIVERSE. (16:1-20; 1:7)
C. Called to the OBEDIENCE that comes from FAITH. (1:5;16:26)

Romans is the longest letter of Paul, and it covers some really big theological themes. John Piper preached through it in a sermon series that lasted over 5 years – 224 sermons. But before we dig in, we must remember that it started as a letter written to people that Paul knew and loved. He wanted them to understand the gospel and what it meant in their day to day lives.

1. Kid’s Question: Have you ever gotten a letter in the mail? What did you do with it?
2. What kinds of things have you used in the past to motivate your obedience?

II. WHAT is the GOSPEL? (1:1-7, 16-17)
A. The good NEWS about JESUS. (1:1-4)
B. POWER that enables “RIGHTEOUSNESS”. (v.4-5,16-17)
C. We are LOVED by God, CALLED to be saints. (1:7,17)

Far too often the gospel has become about a transaction that we make with God that allows our sins to be forgiven. While the forgiveness of sins is definitely good news, and definitely true, the good news of Jesus is far larger and more profound that just a payment for our sin. It’s an invitation to a whole new life.

3. If you had to explain what the gospel is in your own words what would you say? After you have done this ask yourself how that jives with what Jesus and Paul say the gospel is.
4. How much hope do you have that you can actually change long standing behaviours that aren’t in line with following Jesus? Why do you feel this way?
5. How does being loved by God help us to live as saints? Do you have an example from your own life?

III. READING Romans RESPONSIBLY. (2 Tim. 2:15)
A. It’s a MIRROR, not theological AMMUNITION. (Heb. 4:12 Jas. 1:22-25)
B. It is GOOD NEWS for all PEOPLE. (1:7; Lk. 2:10)
C. Power to TRANSFORM our LIVING. (1:17; 2 Cor. 5:17; Titus 2:11-13)

We are going to spend the next 10 weeks wading through Romans, but I want us to do it in a way that seeks to hear the voice of God in the living word instead of filling out our doctrinal statements.

6. How can you tell if your Bible reading is to gather ammunition or to surrender to the Spirit?
7. How is the gospel good news for you today? How is it good news for those around you?
8. If you could see transformation in one area of your life what area would that be? How can you begin to ask God to work to bring that about?