Guest speaker: Will Corbett
I. What is the Gate?
A. The Gate is a person
B. The Gate is a portal
C. Nobody who passes through the gate stays the same.
II. The Gate is a person
A. Lit. “I, I am the gate.”
B. I am the way (John 14:6)
III. The Gate is a portal: Jacob’s vision
A. The Tabernacle: a gate approach to the Almighty
IV. The Gate is a portal between two kingdoms
A. You have no spiritual life without approaching the Gate
B. Personal – the sheep are called by name
C. If you have not come yet, the shepherd is calling you
V. What is abundant life? (v. 10)
A. Life in the fold
B. Life in the world
VI. How can we have abundant life?
A. Place your trust in sacrifice and care of the Good Shepherd
B. Listen to His voice
C. Follow the shepherd
D. Follow Him in the fold (church)
E. Follow Him in the world