Who Do You Say I Am? New Year’s Day 2017 Mark 1:9-20 January 1, 2017
New Year’s Day 2017
Who Do You Say I Am? – Part 2
Mark 1:9-20
I. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
(Mark 1:9-13)
A. Jesus is the True Israel
(v. 9, 11, 12, Psalm 2, Ezra 9, Isaiah 6)
B. In Jesus is the Return of God’s Spirit
(v. 10, Malachi 3 & 4, Joel 2)
C. Jesus’ Baptism is only the beginning
(v. 12, 1 John 3:8)
II. The Message of Jesus
(Mark 1:14-15)
A. Not Gloom & Doom
(v. 15)
B. The Kingdom isn’t yours to bring
(v. 15b)
C. An Invitation to turn from and turn towards
(v. 15b)
1. Turn From Sin and Self
2. Turn Towards God and His Kingdom
III. The Call of Jesus
(Mark 1:16-20)
A. Comes to the “benchwarmers”
(v. 16)
B. Not a call to complacency
(v. 17, v. 12)
C. Not a call to follow an idea
(v. 17)
IV. Who do you say that I am?
A. Jesus is the Son of God…
B. … so the Kingdom is at hand…
C. … and He calls to us!
Questions for Reflection
1. Why do you think baptism is an important part of a Christian’s walk?
2. When you think of Jesus as your Saviour, how often do you think of His role as the new Israel? How might an understanding of Jesus’ role as the new Israel change your reading of Mark and the other Gospels?
3. Have you ever felt like you’ve “arrived” in your spiritual walk? What practices have you found to help stay engaged in your relationship and growth with God?
4. Are you surprised that Jesus’ message (when you really look at it) is more of an invitation than a warning? How would you summarize the Gospel in one sentence?
5. What is your role in the Kingdom of God?
6. How would you define repentance? How about conversion?
7. How does Jesus call us to follow Him today? What does that look like?
8. Mark’s continuing question throughout this book will be, “So who do you say Jesus is? What’s your response?” How do you respond to the Jesus presented in this first chapter of Mark’s gospel?