A Wedding Like No Other
I. Samson is “Mr. REALITY TV”. (v.1-20)
A. He is IMPULSIVE and DEMANDING. (v.1-3)
B. He is POWERFUL but SECRETIVE. (v.4-9)
C. He is no MATCH for a WOMAN. (v.10-18)
D. He is ANGRY and VENGEFUL. (v.19-20)
Samson and his antics would fit right in on our cable TV channels. He is brash and impulsive, takes risks, goes after what he wants. He’s also got issues with anger and self-control and doesn’t like it when he loses. Sounds like a perfect character in a reality TV show today.
1. Kid’s question: Why do you think Samson’s story is a part of the Bible
2. Which of Samson’s characteristics do you see in our society and culture today? Which do you find in your own life?
II. SEEING beneath the SURFACE. (v.1-20)
A. They’re COMFORTABLE in a bad SITUATION. (v.1-11)
B. VOWS that mean NOTHING. (v.5-6, 9-10)
C. The WEDDING that WASN’T. (v.10-20; 15:2)
Samson is such a larger than life character that his personality and actions can often mask other story lines that are going on behind or beneath the scenes. There are some things that we will miss if we don’t slow down to look at those ideas.
3. Sometimes it’s hard to change even though you know your situation needs to change? Why is that?
4. Samson didn’t seem to care about being a “nazrite”? What makes people care (or not care) about their religious commitments?
5. What stands out to you most about this part of Samson’s life? Why?
III. REFOCUSING on the main CHARACTER. (Gen. 1:1)
1. God will ACCOMPLISH His PLANS. (v.4; 13:5)
2. He CAN and DOES use REBELLIOUS people. (15:20; 2 Kings 14:23-27)
3. The BENEFIT of our FAITHFULNESS. (Mt.16:24-25)
4. A REMINDER of God’s HEART. (Gen 12:1-3)
As we said last week, the Bible is the revelation of God, meaning it is one of the ways He shows us who He is. Even in a story like Samson’s we get glimpses of some aspects of God’s character and methods. And it helps if we see Samson’s story in light of all that has gone on before and all that will follow.
6. Does God’s use of those who mess up give you hope? Why?
7. When you peel back the layers, what things motivate you to be faithful to God andHis direction?
8. What are some practical ways you can live out Gen. 12:3 in your life this coming week?