Gods wrath Not our favorite subject Revelation 15:1-16:21 July 3, 2016
I. NOTICE the BOOKENDS of this text.
A. The WRATH of GOD. (15:1; 16:19; Ex. 34:6-7)
B. IT is FINISHED. (15:1; 16:17)
C. In between REFUSAL to REPENT. (16:9,11)
Just when you thought the text couldnt get any heavier. Today we are
looking at a text that speaks of the wrath of God being poured out on the earth. While this text may not be easy to read, it is a huge turning point in the book of Revelation. With these seven bowls the wrath of God is completed. Finished. The same Greek word that Jesus used on the cross just before he died.
1. How would you explain the wrath of God to someone who is not a Christian?
2. Does wrath make you feel uncomfortable? Do you tend toward a forgiving/loving Jesus or a just/wrathful Jesus? What do you need to do to balance the two?
3. How do we see the wrath of God when Jesus is on the cross?
4. Will stressing the wrath of God bring about repentance?
II. The PATH of WRATH. (16:1-21)
A. #1 REBELLION will lead to PAIN. (16:2)
B. #2-#3 You REAP what you SOW. (16:3-7)
C. #4-#5 From BRIGHT to NIGHT with no RELIEF. (16:8-11)
D. #6-#7 The BATTLE that ISNT. (16:12-21)
These seven bowls are fascinating. They seem to be connected to the seven
trumpets which we saw earlier as warnings that call for repentance. The heart of the message is that even in wrath God is showing patience and restraint, allow people the time they need to repent. Yet a hard heart doesnt soften easily. Oh, and one other thing. The famous Battle of Armageddon is not so much a battle as it is a blip in the radar screen of Gods renewal of all things.
5. What stands out to you about these seven last bowls?
6. Why would people still refuse to repent?
7. How does this passage challenge your assumptions in regards to the great
battle of Armageddon?
A. Dont UNDERESTIMATE wrath or its CURE. (Jn 19:30)
B. Realize the POSITIVE side of WRATH. (Rev. 21:1-5)
C. Note Gods PROGRESSION and PATIENCE. (Rev. 8:6-11:19)
D. CHOOSE to SURRENDER. (Rev.19:9)
How do we apply the wrath of God to today? There are several things that we
need to note. Wrath is real and must be dealt with…its Gods way of renewing all things and purging the creation of evil. But He does this patiently, allowing time for all who will to choose to surrender to what He has done for them on the cross. Even in wrath we see the patience of God. Even in wrath we see what it takes to undo what our rebellion is done. We have a lot to learn…
8. In what areas has this text challenged your thinking in regards to the wrath of God?
9. Does what we see happening in the world around us relate to this? What
parallels might you see?
10. What areas of your life are you having trouble surrendering to God? Why
dont you bring those out into the light and let your group pray for you in these areas?