Blood and Bridles – Not what you think Revelation 14:6-20 June 12th, 2016
I. Once again, STRUCTURE gives us INSIGHT. (14:1-15:4)
A. The BEGINNING and the END. (14:1-5; 15:1-4)
B. The FIRST three angels – GOSPEL. (14:6-13)
1. Fully REALIZE who GOD is. (v.6-7; Mark 1:14-15)
2. UNDERSTAND the FUTILITY of anything else. (v.8)
3. CHOICES have IMPLICATIONS. (v.9-13; Jn 3:17)
C. It all CENTERS on the ONE. (v.14)
D. The SECOND three angels – REAPING. (v.15-20)
1. The TIME will COME. (v.15-16; Mt. 13:24-30; Heb. 13:12-13)
2. There is ENOUGH FORGIVENESS for all. (v.17-20)
The vision that John has of Jesus is highly structured. An understanding of that structure enables us to see how the parts fit together to make up the whole. Our text today is a chiasm. That is a Jewish form of literature that builds to the middle of the text. The first part and the last part are similar (the song of the people of the lamb), the second part and the next to last part are similar (three angels) and the center is Jesus…not surprising considering the whole book is an unveiling of Jesus. Were going to look at the structure to understand how the parts contribute to the whole.
1. In what ways do you see the messages of the first three angels to be the
gospel? What exactly is the gospel?
2. What would be Babylon today? In what ways is it falling? Does its fall
encourage spiritual searching or discourage spiritual searching?
3. What impacts you about verses 9-11? How are verses 12-13 connected to
4. Read Matt. 13:24-30. How does this give insight to verse 15-16?
5. Read Hebrews 13:11-14. How does this give insight to verse 17-20?
A. There is a SIMPLE but INVISIBLE reality.
B. DIFFICULTY opens spiritual DOORWAYS.
C. Forgiveness for ME and YOU and THEM. (Rom. 5:8)
This passage has much to say to us today. It cuts through the fluff to remind us of what is real. There is a reality that may not seem apparent, but is nonetheless very real. And as our world comes crashing down around us we must remember the message of these angels….Fear God! That translates into extending grace to those around us; the same Jesus did for them. And it highlights the ultimate question that must be answered in some point in all our lives. Who will we worship?
6. In what ways have you gotten distracted from the reality of the Kingdom of Jesus and the fall of Babylon? How can you avoid that in the future?
7. In what ways has difficulty in your life opened up spiritual doorways?
8. Is there someone towards whom you are harboring unforgiveness?
9. How can you tell who you worship with your life?