Monarchy Part 5 – God’s Covenant with the New King

The Monarchy – Part 5 God’s Covenant with the New King 2 Sam. 7:1-29 October 9, 2016


I. When LIFE finally settles DOWN. (v.1-3)
A. No more DESERT of ZIPH… (v.1-2; I Sam 23:15)
B. But God’s PRESENCE is in a TENT. (v.2; 6:17)
C. Nathan and Nike say, “JUST DO IT.” (v.3)

Last week we saw David on the run. This week he is just settling in. He has a new
house (a palace built from cedar) and a new job (King of Israel). He has even been
given “…rest from all his enemies around him.” (v.1). Life has settled down. David
wants to do something. To take an action for God, just as God has acted on his behalf.

1. What has God done for you in the past year? What would you like to do for Him?
2. In what ways can you identify with David in these first few verses?

II. God has a DIFFERENT IDEA. (v.4-17)
A. HAVE I ASKED for this? (v.5-7)
B. Who TAKES CARE of whom? (v.8-11; Is. 66:1-2)
C. I will ESTABLISH your HOUSE. (v.12-16)
D. David’s HUMILITY and THANKFULNESS. (v.18-29)

Nathan has to hurry back to David the next day, because God has something different in
mind for David. In fact, the unique thing is that God says nothing about what David can
do for Him, He only talks about what He is going to do for David.

3. What has God asked for from you?
4. In what ways do you feel that you (or the church corporately) has “let God down”?
How does this passage impact your thinking?
5. What is the role that we play FOR God? How does that look in our lives?

B. A SON on the THRONE. (I Kings 2:4,12; 11:11-13)
C. A THRONE that lasts FOREVER. (Jer. 23:5-6; Is. 9:6-7; Lk. 1:31-33)

Just to go down a bit of a rabbit trail, Nathan is saying more than he even realizes when
he shares the message from God with David. That often happens with the prophets.
They repeat what God says and end of talking about things in the way distant future.
The “one” who will sit on the throne doesn’t show up for 1000 years, but once He sits on
that throne, nobody will take it away from Him.

6. What does this prophetic message reveal about the type of God we serve?
7. How does that impact your day to day life?

A. God is WITH us…WITHIN us. (v.5-9; Mt. 28:20; 2 Cor. 1:21-22)
B. He is the PRIMARY “DOER”. (v.5-17; I Jn. 4:19)
C. He works THROUGH us BEYOND us. (v.12,16; Eph. 3:20-21)
D. We can TRUST His GOODNESS. (v.27-29; Rom. 8:28)

There is much to see in this passage. And it’s very fitting to cover it on a Thanksgiving
Sunday. It reminds us of who God is, who we are, and how the two are connected.
David had no idea how deep or how long God’s love for Him would extend. He will
learn it more in the coming weeks, but for now, let’s just focus in on what we have to be
thankful for.

8. How confident am I that God is always with me and for me? Is this at an intellectual
level or an emotional level?
9. What does it mean that God is the “primary doer”? What does that mean for me?
What do I do?
10.What hopes do you have for God to work through you and beyond you? What are
you thankful for?