Luke – The Story of Jesus: Part 3

Luke 6:12-49

Luke – The Story of Jesus: Part 3

The Manifesto of the Kingdom

I. JESUS does two specific ACTS. (v.12-49)
A. He SELECTS a TEAM. (v.12-16)
B. He PREACHES a SERMON. (v.17-49)
C. But WHEN you put the two TOGETHER… (v.12-49)

Today we cover 2 things that Jesus did which at first may seem unrelated. But the reality is that when you combine these two acts and lay them side by side it begins to become visible that more is going on here than just two random acts.

1. Kid’s Question: What do you think it felt like to be picked as a disciple of Jesus?
2. What parts of Jesus’ sermon are the most challenging to you personally? Why?

II. The ESTABLISHMENT of a new ISRAEL. (v.12-49)
A. The TWELVE symbolize a new START. (v.12-16)
B. The MANIFESTO of the new KINGDOM (v.17-49)
    1. A REVERSAL of the world’s REALITY. (v.17-26)
    2. A new foundation of LOVE, GENEROSITY, and MERCY. (v.27-36)
    3. A common HUMANITY in need of a TEACHER. (v.37-42)
    4. The NEED for an inner TRANSFORMATION. (v.43-45)
    5. STABILITY comes through SURRENDER and OBEDIENCE. (v.46-49)

Jesus actions represent the establishment of totally new Israel. He chooses 12 disciples (that is a significant number) and then he begins to take on the role of Moses by explaining the “law” of this new Kingdom He is bringing.

3. Is loving your enemies a reasonable expectation? What challenges arise when you try to live that out practically?4. What does it mean not to “judge”? How do we address issues of evil and sin without judging or condemning?
5. What does it mean, practically, to build your house on the rock? What does that look like in day to day life?

III. Our HERITAGE, our CALLING, and our FUTURE. (Heb 11:14-16)
A. We are CITIZENS of a deeper KINGDOM. (Phil. 3:20-21)
B. The UPSIDE DOWN nature of this Kingdom. (v.17-26; Jn 18:36)
    1. A DIFFERENT set of VALUES. (v.27-36; Jn 15:12-13)
    2. HUMILITY flowing from TRANSFORMED hearts. (v.37-42; James 4:10)
    3. SURRENDER as the CONTINUAL first step. (v.46; Lk. 9:23-24)

All of this is so relevant to where we are today. The past leading up to this is our heritage, living as subjects in this new Kingdom is our calling. And the coming in fullness of that Kingdom is the future we all long for.

6. How do these teachings of Jesus shape where we base our identity? What does it mean to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God? Where is that challenging?
7. If you sought to follow the teachings of v.27-36 where would that bring conflicts in your relationships with others and your daily routines?
8. Read v.43-49. What do you sense God saying to you through these verses? How will you respond?

“Sometimes, being a good Christian meant being a bad Roman. So before you accuse people of being unpatriotic, ask yourself which empire they’re actually serving.”
~ Stephen Mattson