Luke – The Story of Jesus: Part 2

Luke 4:31-6:11

Luke – The Story of Jesus: Part 2

Fulfilling the Mission of the Messiah

I. Diverse STORIES, but common THEMES. (4:31-6:11)
A. The POWER to HEAL and set FREE. (4:31-44; 5:12-26; 6:6-11)
B. An EMBRACE of the OUTSIDERS. (5:1-11; 5:27-32)
C. Continuing CONFLICT with the INSIDERS. (5:21-26; 5:30-39; 6:1-11)

After announcing His prophetically given mission, Jesus starts doing the things that mission states. Luke tells story after story that illustrates the actions of Jesus and the implications of those actions for all who were around Him. He was good news for some, but not for everyone.

1. Kid’s question: What’s your favourite story about Jesus? Why?
2. What themes do you see in the stories from Luke 4:31-6:11? What stands out most to you?

II. Jesus LIVING out His MISSION. (4:31-6:11)
A. Good NEWS, FREEDOM, and challenging BLINDNESS. (4:18-19)
B. Fuelled by PRAYER and SOLITUDE. (4:42; 5:16)

We see all the elements of Isaiah’s prophecy in the day to day life of Jesus. He was God in flesh walking about the rest of us. Luke also helps us to see that the clarity and focus of the mission of Jesus flowed out of his continuing connection with the Trinity.

3. If you had to explain the “good news” of Jesus to someone in your own words what would you say? Why is it “good news” to them specifically?
4. What is your own practice of prayer? What struggles with it or questions about it do you have?
5. How do you feel about time in “solitary” places? Do you welcome it or not like it? Is solitude an important spiritual practice for everyone and if so why?

III. “As the Father SENT me I am SENDING you.” (Jn 20:21; Rom. 8:29)
A. The good news of WELCOME and EMBRACE. (5:10,27,31; Rom. 15:7)
B. The POWER that brings FREEDOM. (5:17; Eph. 1:18-21)
C. ADMITTING and CHALLENGING blindness. (6:11; Jn. 9:39-41)
D. All FLOWING out of RELATIONAL COMMUNION. (4:42; 5:16; Jn 15:4-5)

The calling of all believers, as the “body of Christ,” is to live out this same mission. To grow to resemble Jesus in our thoughts and attitudes, words and actions. He has become the model and prototype of what it actually means to be human as God designed us to be.

6. When you see who Jesus welcomed and who He challenged where do you fall on that spectrum? How does your life communicate the welcoming grace of God to others in tangible ways? How could you do that this coming week?
7. In what ways are you open to your own blindness being challenged? In what ways are you challenging the blindness of others?
8. What is your experience of “relational communion” with God? Why don’t you ask someone else about this and share your own journey with them as well in the coming week?

This is the table, not of the Church, but of God.
It is to be made ready for those who love God
  and who want to love God more.

Come to this table,
  you who have much faith

   and you who would like to have more;
  you who have been here often
   and you who have not been here for a long time;
 you who have tried to follow Jesus
   and you who have failed.

Come, not because I invite you: it is God, and it is God’s will
  that you who want God should meet God here.

— Communion Liturgy