Week 5 – “I’ll give you your life…”
I. Who is BARUCH?
A. Jeremiah’s SCRIBE (36:4, 32; 45:1)
B. Jeremiah’s STUDENT (36:5-8)
C. Jeremiah’s FRIEND (36:17-19)
II. A Legitimate COMPLAINT (45:3)
A. SORROW upon GRIEF (v. 3; Ps. 6:6, 69:3)
B. Hope DEFERRED (Prov. 13:12, Gen. 22:17-18)
C. No REST (Exodus 33:14)
III. A Blunt RESPONSE (v. 4-5)
A. It’s God’s PREROGATIVE (v. 4; Isaiah 45:9-10; Jonah 4:10; Matt. 20:13-15)
B. Don’t SEEK your own GOOD (v. 5, 29:7; Psalm 131; Matt. 16:25)
C. GRACE in the midst of MAYHEM (Gen. 4:14, 7:17, Isaiah 43:1-2; Ps. 46:1-3)
IV. Seeking the WRONG Things
A. Confused about our IDENTITY – SERVANTS of our Master (Matt. 10:24; Mark 10:42-45)
B. Mistaken about the PROMISE – REST is Found in Him (Matthew 11:28; John 16:33; Hebrews 11:13)
C. Wrong about SUFFERING – HOPE born of Suffering (Romans 5:3-5, 8:18-39; Ps. 131)
Questions for Further Reflection
- Kid’s Question: Who are your best friends? Have you ever done something hard for your friend?
- When have you complained to God? What words did you use to express your frustration, disappointment, or anger?
- Have you ever experienced a “hope deferred”? How did you handle that disappointment?
- Did you attempt Sabbath rest this past week? Did it feel like a nuisance or a blessing?
- How do you feel about God essentially saying, “I will do what I will do”?
- In your life, what ways have you tried to seek your own good, only to see them backfire? Why do you think God instructs Baruch to not seek good for himself?
- How have you experienced grace in the middle of suffering? Did it seem like grace at the time?
- Servants and Master seem like such outdated language. Are there words that you would use to paint the same image?
- In what ways has suffering created hope in your own life?