A Saving Faith- The Inner Journey
I. The DEATH Experience of HITTING the WALL (Mark 5:22-23, 25-27)
A. An Experience of a DEVASTATING Loss (Ps. 10:1; 38:9-11; 72:13-14)
B. RUNNING out of ANSWERS (Mark 5:23, 28)
II. The FAITH Experience of FALLING on JESUS (Mark 5:22-23, 33)
A. A DYING to Self that Leads to a New WAY FORWARD (Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 5:17)
B. A Faith RECKLESS Enough to Overcome OBSTACLES (Matt. 14:22-29; Gen. 22)
C. A FLAWED Faith that is ENOUGH (Matt. 5:23, 28)
III. Encountering JESUS, Encountering OURSELVES (Acts 26:14-15; Luke 19:1-10; Genesis 32:22-32)
A. Our Deepest NEEDS Laid BARE (Isaiah 6; Mark 5:33, 36)
B. Our Deepest FEARS UNREALIZED (Mark 5:35, 41-42)
C. Our Deepest HURTS Made WHOLE (v. 34)
D. Our Deepest IDENTITY Called Out (v. 34,36, 41, Gen. 32:22-32)
Questions for Further Reflection:
1. Kid’s Question: Think about some of your best friends. How has being their friend changed you for the better (or worse)?
2. Have you or anyone in your family hit the wall? What was that season like? How did itend?
3. What answers do you typically turn to when going through a season of difficulty or crisis?
4. Jake talks about “dying to self” as being different than simply eradicating bad behaviourfrom our lives. Paul says he dies daily. What do you suppose you still need to die to?
5. What obstacles do you find keep you from putting your faith fully in Jesus?
6. Are you encouraged or frustrated by the flawed faith of Jairus and the woman?
7. What needs has Christ exposed in you that you didn’t even know you had?
8. What fears has Christ put to bed in your life?
9. In what ways has Jesus healed you?
10. Before encountering Christ (or perhaps simply at various stages of your life) what was youridentity? Having encountered Christ, who have you discovered yourself to be?