Prophet on the Run
I. How should we READ JONAH?
A. Don’t FOCUS on the FISH (1:17, 2:10)
B. An UPSIDE DOWN Story (1:3, 16, 3:6-10)
C. A MIRROR to EXPOSE Ourselves (4:10-11, James 1:22-24)
D. A STORY that Ultimately POINTS to JESUS (Luke 24:44, John 5:39-40)
II. Running the WRONG WAY (Jonah 1:1-3)
A. You’ve got the WRONG MAN (Jonah 1:1)
B. REJECTING God’s CALL (Jonah 1:2-3)
C. A Different CONCEPTION of GOOD (Jonah 4:1-3)
A. OPENING to the Possibility that GOD could CALL (Jonah 1:1; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; John 10:27, 16:13; I Kings 19:12; Romans 8:28)
B. A Call from God is a CALL to DIE (Jonah 1:2, 4:2-3; Matt. 16:24; John 21:18-19)
C. A Call from God is a CALL to LIVE (Matt. 11:28, 16:25; John 8:12; Mark 10:21)
Questions for Further Reflection:
- Kid’s Question: Can you tell me the story of Jonah in 1 minute?
- Why do you think we put so much emphasis on “the fish”?
- How do you feel about the idea that there is satire in the Bible? Does it cheapen God’sword? Does it make it come alive?
- Jake says this story is about ourselves and about Jesus, ultimately. Where do you seeeither of those two in the story so far?
- Have you ever felt called by God to do something (either big or small)? How did yourespond? What was the aftermath?
- What are some of the assumptions about what makes the “good life” in North Americanculture? What about in “church” culture? How do some of these assumptions run counterto what God is inviting Jonah (and us) into?
- Why do you think we are resistant to the idea that God might speak?
- What is God calling you to die to? Why are you resistant? What do you stand to lose?What do you stand to gain?