The Folly of Favouritism
I. The Incompatibility of FAVOURITISM and the GOSPEL (2:1-13)
A. God Chose the POOR (2:5; Matt. 25:40; Luke 4:17-19, 6:20)
B. God is no RESPECTER of PERSONS (2:1; Deut. 10:17; I Sam. 16:7; Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9)
C. God has Chosen MERCY over JUDGMENT (2:12-13; Matt. 5:7, 18:23-35; Luke 6:36-38; Rom. 8:1; Heb. 4:16)
II. WISDOM to Overcome FAVOURITISM (3:13-18)
A. EXPOSING the WORLD’S Wisdom (3:14-16; I Cor. 1:18-30)
B. Wisdom AFFECTS our WORK
1. Works Done in SELFISH AMBITION (3:14-16)
2. Works Done in HUMILITY (3:13, 17)
C. LIFEHACK: God Wants to Give you WISDOM (1:5-8; Prov. 9:1-6)
III. Growing the WORD of TRUTH Wisely
A. Sit in the Soil at the FOOT of the CROSS (2:1; Gal. 3:26-28; Rom. 3:21-25)
B. Root our the Weeds of SELFISH AMBITION and ENY (Php. 2:3-5; Hebrews 12:14-15)
C. Plant Seeds of PEACE that lead to RIGHTEOUSNESS* (3:17-18)
Questions for Further Reflection:
1. Kid’s Question: Is there a time when maybe you have judged someone unfairly? Or maybe you have felt judged by someone unfairly? What made it unfair?
2. Where does the sin of favouritism creep up in your own life?
3. When have you chosen mercy over judgement? When have you chosen judgement overmercy? How did each of those experiences feel? Which is your natural bent?
4. What do you think James means by “the humility that comes from wisdom”?
5. In your formative years of Christianity, which type of wisdom fuelled your work?
6. Have you ever asked God for wisdom? Did God provide? And how?
7. How have arrogance and pride crept into your faith? Spend some time in prayerfulreflection about whom you feel superior to. Sit with them, in your mind’s eye, at the cross.Repent and ask God what else you might need to do to begin to sow peace.
8. How have you typically understood righteousness? How do the ideas of justice andreconciliation challenge your understanding?