Inside Out or Outside In?
I. A CONFLICT with the POWERFUL. (v.1-13)
A. An INCIDENT needing EXPLANATION. (v.1-5)
B. The WRONG focal POINT. (v.6-8)
C. Jesus MAKES it very PERSONAL. (v.9-13)
A thread through the gospel of Mark is the conflict that Jesus has with the religious leaders. It starts small but continues to build. In our text today we see the Pharisees and teachers of the law drawing conclusions about the disciples and their devotion to Yahweh. Jesus hears this and pokes the beehive a little.
1. Kid’s Question: When have you felt like someone was out to get you? Do you think Jesus felt that way about the religious leaders?
2. How can we begin to discern if we are following the “commands of God” or just our “own traditions”?
II. A quick PARABLE to ILLUSTRATE. (v.14-23)
A. More a SAYING than a STORY . (v.14-15)
B. DECIPHERING for “DULL” disciples. (v.17-20)
C. CLARIFICATIONS that get PERSONAL. (v.21-23)
After calling the religious leaders on their own hypocrisy and sin, Jesus tells a parable to expose the flaws in their thinking and understanding. It’s a challenge to the assumptions of every who is listening, and it’s going to need a little further clarification.
3. What are the “outer” things that we often think can make us “unclean” or unacceptable to God? Why those specific things?
4. Think about how you might describe a “good Christian”? Why do you chose the characteristics that you do? Which of these might just be more traditions than what God is seeking from us?
5. What is your reaction to the list of things that make a person “unclean”? Do any of them hit home for you?
III. The IMPORTANCE of taking parables PERSONALLY . (Mk. 4:9)
A. Our NEED for (and FEAR of) EXPOSURE. (v.6-12; Heb. 4:12-13)
B. We focus OUTWARD, God looks INWARD. (v.1-7; I Sam. 16:7)
C. We evaluate the SURFACE, God the HEART. (v.5; Prov. 16:2)
D. Real TRANSFORMATION works INSIDE OUT. (v.18; Mt 23:25-26; Titus 2:11-12)
1. “BEING” always shapes BEHAVIOUR. (Mt. 7:16-18; 2 Pet. 1:3-4)
2. But BEHAVIOUR can also serve “BEING”. (2 Pet 1:5-8; Eph. 4:22-24)
Parables are stories or sayings of Jesus that were meant to sink deep into the hearts and minds of the listeners and expose areas where they were misguided about the Kingdom of God. They do the same for us today, if we will take the time to let them sink in instead of just looking at them from a safe distance.
6. When have you felt “exposed” in your life? What was the result? How do you usually react to the fear of people finding out things you don’t want them to know?
7. Does your spiritual life focus more on behaving or being? How can you know the difference?
8. What are some steps you can take to focus more on “being” in your own relationship with God? Do you think those will help your behaviour? Why or why not?
9. What are some behaviours that you can support being all who God has made you to be? How can you keep these two aspects in balance?