Gospel of Mark: God On The Move – Part 4

Mark 4:1-25

Gospel of Mark: God On The Move – Part 4

Rehearing a Familiar Parable

I. For ONCE, Mark moves SLOWER. (v.1-20)
A. The MEANING is not so OBVIOUS. (v.3-9)

Mark, who usually runs at 90 miles an hour spends 20 verses on this parable. Just for comparison let’s remember he gave Jesus’ 40 days in the desert 2 verses. It’s also important to notice that Matthew, Mark, and Luke use this parable as a launching pad into more parables. Maybe Mark wants us to see something here.

1. Kid’s Question: What is your favourite story/parable of Jesus? Why do you like that one?
2. What “stories” (books or movies) have made an impact on your life? Why or how did they do that?

II. Why SPEAK the truth in PARABLES? (v.10-13)
     1. RIGHT-HANDED power exerts CONTROL. (Jn 6:15)
     2. LEFT-HANDED power nurtures RELATIONSHIP . (v.10)
B. The KINGDOM is (for now) LEFT-HANDED. (Jn 18:36; Lk 19:44)
C. And this PARABLE is a key to all the OTHERS. (v.13)

The disciples wonder (more specifically in Matthew and Luke) why Jesus is using parables? Why tell a story instead of just getting straight to the point. This is why I think this parable is so important. It gives us insight into the way that teaching happens in the Kingdom of God.

3. What do you think about the two-types of power? Do you see examples in your own life? Are there times when both are needed?
4. What does it mean that the “The Kingdom is (for now) left-handed”? Do you agree? If so, how do we live that out?

III. RETHINKING the EXPLANATION of Jesus. (v.14-20)
A. What if the FATHER has sown JESUS? (v.14; Jn 1:14)
B. EVERYWHERE and ALREADY . (v.15-20; Ps. 24:1-2)
C. Differing RESPONSES to the KINGDOM. (v.15-20)

We usually read this and fall into what has been seen as the most obvious application of the parable. We are to sow the word of God all over, and we can be sure that there will be different responses. But what if this parable isn’t all about us? What if there’s a larger idea being communicated here?

5. How does this different focus in interpreting the parable change what your response to it might be?
6. What are the responses to Jesus that you see in the world around you? How do these 4 different responses in the parable show up today?

IV. RESPONDING to what has been SOWN. (Jn 1:11)
A. Fruit comes from HEARING and ACCEPTING. (v.20; Mk. 1:15)
B. UNDERSTAND your place in this PROCESS. (v.20; Acts 1:8)
C. More of a SIGNPOST, less a SALESMAN. (v.11; Jn. 5:17; Mt. 11:25-26)
D. Live in EXPECTANCY of the HARVEST. (v.20; 1 Cor. 2:9-10; Lk 12:32)

So the Father has sown the Son – the Living Word – into the whole world – everywhere and already. That has huge implications for what we are going to do with what has been sown into us. The parable may not be all about us…but it does speak to us. What do we hear God saying?

7. What practices and habits do you have that help you to hear and accept the truths and message of Jesus on a continual basis?
8. What is the difference (from your perspective) between a “signpost” and a “salesman”? What are some ways you can be a signpost this week?