What Happens When the Kingdom Comes
I. SIGNS of the Kingdom’s ARRIVAL (1:15, 21-45)
A. Constant LIBERATION and HEALING. (v.21-34, 40-45)
B. The growing POPULARITY of JESUS. (v.27-28, 32, 37,45)
C. NOTICE how Jesus RESPONDS. (v.35-39)
Mark keeps moving quickly though the life of Jesus, and what we see in the rest of Mark 1 is the result of this good news of the Kingdom of God. When the Kingdom comes there are things that happen.
1. Kid’s Question: If you could ask God to do one miracle for you, what would that be and why?
2. Jesus goes to seek time with the Father when things are going amazingly well, yet we usually do that when things are going poorly. Is that true of you? Why or why not?
II. When JESUS returns HOME. (2:1-12)
A. The PEOPLE fill every SPACE. (v.1-2)
B. Risking DISRUPTION for a FRIEND. (v.3-4)
C. The LEADERS question His AUTHORITY . (v.6-7; 1:27)
After some time wandering through Galilee Jesus returns home to immense popularity. He’s teaching in Peter’s house and things seem to ratchet up another notch. It’s the first run in with the teachers of the law, but it’s one where everyone watching realizes that Jesus is no ordinary rabbi.
3. When has following Jesus been a disruption to your own life? Or when has God disrupted you to get your attention?
4. Jesus is pushing the limits for the teachers of the law. When has he done that to you? How did you respond?
III. WATCH Jesus CLOSELY . (2:2-11)
A. First, He SPEAKS the WORD. (v.2)
B. He offers FORGIVENESS in response to FAITH. (v.5)
C. He HEALS to show Kingdom AUTHORITY . (v.8-11)
This is a familiar story, and we often mentally rush to the end of it as we read. But remember, Jesus calls us to follow Him. So let’s slow down despite Mark’s blistering pace, and take some time to soak in what Jesus is doing throughout this text. He’s leading…and we should follow his example.
5. What does “speaking the Word” to others look like in your life? What are some ways you can do that in line with the personality and gifts that God has given you?
6. Are their area of your life where you need to hear Jesus say, “Your sin(s) are forgiven?” What might be the result if you could believe Him for this?
IV. When the KINGDOM comes to HOPE, BC. (Lk. 17:20-21)
A. The WORD must be SPOKEN. (v.2; Mt. 24:14; Is 55:10-11)
B. We should WELCOME Kingdom DISRUPTIONS. (v.3-4; Is. 43:18-19)
C. Get PEOPLE into the PRESENCE of Jesus. (v.4; 2 Cor. 3:18; Acts 4:13)
D. Trust the KING to bring the KINGDOM. (v.12; Mk. 14::24-25)
No one is cutting a hole in our roof today to let a paralytic in. But if we believe what Jesus said, the Kingdom is coming right here in good old Hope, BC. How do we receive it? How do we work with it? What do we do when the Kingdom comes in Hope, BC?
7. What might a “Kingdom disruption” look like today? Have you ever seen or experienced something like this?
8. Who is God telling you might be a person you need to get into the presence of Jesus? What might that look like? How will you respond to that call?