The Kingdom of God is Near
I. The three-fold FOUNDATION of Jesus’ MINISTRY. (v.9-13)
A. His BAPTISM demonstrates SURRENDER. (v.9-10; Mark 10:38; Mt. 3:15)
B. He receives God’s LOVE and AFFIRMATION. (v.11)
C. He is FAITHFUL when Satan CHALLENGES truth. (v.12-13; Mt. 4; Lk. 4)
Once again we see Mark in a hurry. He touches on several big events at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry all within the span of 12 verses. But in these we see some core aspects of the foundation on which Jesus bases all that He does for the next three years.
1. Kid’s Question: When you see a baptism happen at GBC, what do you think it means?
2. Does the fact that right after the affirmation of the Father the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert to be tempted challenge the assumptions you have about the way God might do things in your own life?
II. This foundation is REFLECTED in His MESSAGE. (v.14-15)
A. God’s LOVE – The KINGDOM has come. (v.15; Rev. 21:3-4)
B. REPENTANCE: a call to continual SURRENDER. (v.15; I Jn 1:9)
C. BELIEVE (pisteuo): ENTRUSTING ourselves to the TRUTH. (v.15; Jn. 6:29)
These three aspects we see in verses 9-13 come through in the good news that Jesus has come to share – the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. None of these are new ideas, but they are foundational if we are to understand the message of Jesus.
3. What does it mean to you that “the Kingdom of God is near”? Do you believe that? How can you tell if it is near?
4. Jeff has spoken the past two weeks about repentance. What does repentance mean to you? How does it look in your own life?
5. “When we sin it is a sign that we do not actually believe the truth God has said.” What do you think about that statement?
III. When JESUS says, “Come, FOLLOW me.” (v.15,17,20)
A. It STARTS (and CONTINUES) with SURRENDER. (v.18,20; Mk. 8:34-35)
B. It RESTS in God’s LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. (v.11,15; 1 Jn 4:16-17)
C. It TRUSTS/BELIEVES God’s WORD. (v.11; Mt. 4:4)D. It CALLS for a RESPONSE. (v.17; Mk. 16:8)
And just as Jesus called the first disciples with His message of the Kingdom, He calls us to follow today. It’s nothing new and different, but it is radical, and if we are willing to respond and follow it will transform every aspect of our lives…as well as the world around us.
6. What are the challenges that you face as you seek to surrender your will to God’s will every day?
7. Do you rest in God’s love for and acceptance of you? How can you tell? How would your life look different if you could rest more in that truth?
8. What areas of your life currently reflect disbelief in the truth of what God has said? How can you being to believe (entrust yourself) to God in those areas?