Gospel for a Messy Church – Part 2 The Gospel Reveals True Wisdom 1 Corinthians 2:6-4:8 April 30th, 2017
I. A Wisdom that is Foolishness
A. Paul’s warning about Personality Cults (1:13, 3:4)
B. The Deeper Danger (3:1-4, James 3:14-16, Romans 1:21-23)
C. Paul’s Diagnosis (3:4)
II. A Shift in Reality
A. This age and beyond the ages (2:6-7)
B. Settling for too little (3:21-23, 4:6-8)
C. The Danger of Self Deception (3:18-20)
III. Living with Gospel Revealed Wisdom
A. All things are yours! (3:21-22)
B. But you are Christ’s! (3:23)
C. Guard against Deception (3:18)
D. Have the Mind of Christ (2:16, Phil. 2:5-8)
1. How do you feel about Paul’s discussion of Wisdom versus Foolishness? What do you think Paul means by the wisdom of this world?
2. What is the danger in aligning ourselves with a person (famous teacher, celebrity, role model)?
3. Paul points out the Corinthians jealousy and strife as signs of their “fleshiness.” What other attributes would indicate spiritual immaturity in a believer’s life? Which of these are areas of struggle for you?
4. Paul views history as this present age being infringed upon by the age to come. How does Paul’s view of history differ from your own? How does Paul’s view of history change the way we might think about our current world and culture?
5. How does Paul’s claim that “All things are yours,” impact you? What are you clinging to, grasping for, or settling for?
6. What safeguards do you have in your life to help prevent self deception?
7. How would you describe the wisdom of this world? What are it’s main tenants?
8. How would you describe the wisdom “beyond the ages” or the mind of Christ?
“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.
We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and
ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to
go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant
by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses