Genesis: Under The Radar – Part 8

Genesis: Under The Radar – Part 8

Genesis: Under The Radar – Part 8 This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Two of Us Genesis 13:5-18 October 29th, 2017

I. What APPEARS to be a SIMPLE story. (v.5-18)
A. TWO wealthy MEN. (v.1-6)
B. Living in CLOSE QUARTERS. (v.6-7)

Welcome to our next subject of “Under The Radar”, Lot. Lot is often skipped over, although for a long time everywhere you see Abraham, you see Lot. He sticks around, and it’s good for his bank account. He becomes wealthy right along with his good old uncle. But eventually they have to part ways, because there is just too much stuff for them to stay together.

1. Upon first reading this story (v.5-18) what stands out to you? And why?
2. Why would Abraham (as the elder) not just take the better territory? What are your thoughts as to why he approached Lot the way he did?
3. When have you made a decision that looked good at first, but you came to regret it? How could you have chosen differently?

II. LOOKING a little DEEPER. (v.8-18; Ps. 139:23-24)
A. Abram SERVES toward PEACE. (v.8)
B. SERVING this way entails RISK. (v.9)
C. Lot SEEKS his own BEST. (v.10-11)
D. Abram TRUSTS God’s PROVISION. (V.15-16)

Abram wants to keep the peace between he and Lot, because they are “brothers”. And so he offers a solution, you go one way, I’ll go the other. It seems like a peaceful resolution to what had been a heated conflict, at least between the servants. But looking deeper we see a few more things worth noticing.

4. When has “keeping the peace” been a bad decision for you? Why?
5. How is “serving toward peace” different than what happened for you in question #5?
6. What is your normal bent, seeking the best for others or for yourself?
7. What does it mean to “trust in God’s provision” for you at this particular point in your life?

III. Looking BENEATH our own DECISIONS. (14:12; 19:1)
A. The poor RETURN of SELF-PROTECTION. (14:12,20; Rev. 12:10-11)
B. The SELF is never SATISFIED. (19:1; Prov. 14:30; Ecc. 5:10-12)
C. Self-FOCUS or self-SURRENDER? ((v.9-12; Mark 10:45; Phil. 3:18-21)
D. LIFE was meant to lead to WORSHIP. (v.18; Rom. 12:1)

As we dig into the motives and the thoughts that underlie the decisions made by Abram and Lot, we are forced to begin to think about the way we make decisions. Who do we trust to take care of us, and how does that impact the choices we make? How can we tell if we are headed down the wrong path?

8. How can you tell if you are depending on your own “self-protection”? What are clues that can help you discern this?
9. When have you seen examples in your own life of how the “self” is never satisfied?
10.What is God calling you to surrender to Him now, as an act of worship?