Second Sunday of Advent Season of Advent 2017 Love: A Song of Response Luke 1:26-56 December 10th, 2017
I. A FAMILIAR but POWERFUL story. (v.26-45)
A. Another NOBODY in God’s PLAN. (v.26-37)
C. BLESSED is the one who BELIEVES. (v.45)
We return here during almost every Advent season, but the power of the story never seems to dissipate. A young Jewish peasant girl is chosen by God to be the vehicle through which He comes to the world. “May it be to me as you have said.” This is one of the greatest prayers of all time.
1. When have you felt like a nobody? Does it encourage you that God tends to use people like you and me?
2. When have you struggled to surrender to something God was calling you to? What made surrender difficult?
3. Is it really as simple as believing? What does belief look like?
II. The song – RESPONDING to God’s LOVE. (v.46-56; I Sam. 2:1-10)
A. SMALL people and GREAT things. (v.46-49)
B. MERCY and POWER. (v.50-51)
D. FAITHFUL to his PROMISE. (v.54-55)
Mary sings, just like Zechariah did last week. He was overcome with joy because of the birth of his son and the role that little John would play. Mary is overwhelmed because God has chosen her. She sings in response to the love and grace of God. Love always calls for a response.
4. What phrase stands out to you from Mary’s song and why?
5. When has God overturned things in your life? Can you see that it was a part of restoring or are you still waiting to see that?
III. BLESSED is the one who BELIEVES. (v.45; Jn 6:29)
A. God LOVES and CALLS nobodies. (v.26-27; Mk. 3:13-14)
B. LOVE and GRACE fuel SURRENDER. (v.28,38; Titus 2:11-12; Eph. 3:17-19)
C. His MERCY makes way for His POWER. (v.50-51; Eph. 2:4-5)
D. He OVERTURNS in order to RESTORE. (v.42-43; Hos. 6:1-3)
Mary was called “blessed” because she believed that what God had said to her was true. Sometimes it scary to base your life on what God has told you. But that trust and belief that comes out of the love of God is the key to transformation. We obey and surrender because we know that we are loved.
6. When have you seen love and grace motivate change in people’s lives? In your own life?
7. How does the love of God impact you on a daily basis?
8. How might your life be different if you had a greater and more constant awareness of the depth of and grace that God has for you? (Eph. 3:17-18)