First Sunday of Lent 2023

Isaiah 30:1-31:1

First Sunday of Lent 2023

Running toward Egypt

I. The WORLD Isaiah is SPEAKING into. (Is. 36-37)
A. Israel is AFRAID of ASSYRIA. (Is. 28-31) 
B. They are LOOKING for a DEFENDER. (30:1-7)
C. And UNWILLING to LISTEN. (30:8-11)
D. The FUTURE does not look GOOD. (30:12-14)

II. God’s COUNTER-CULTURAL wisdom. (30:15-26)
A. Activities: REPENTANCE and REST. (v.15)
B. Attitudes: QUIETNESS and TRUST. (v.15)
D. The DESIRES of God for His PEOPLE. (v.18-26)
E. The POWER of God to PROTECT what is His. (v.27-33)

III. LETTING go of OBSTINANCE for Lent. (30:1,16; 31:1)
A. CULTIVATE a LISTENING heart. (v.9; Jas. 1:19; I Sam. 3:10; Jn 10:27)
B. RELEASE the desire to CONTROL. (v.1-2; Mt. 16:24-25; Rom. 12:1)
C. SURRENDER your life to God’s WISDOM. (v.15; Job 42:1-6)
D. Posture for RECEIVING, not RESISTING. (v.15; Jer. 32:33)