Mission – Acts The Gospel in the Storm Acts 27 June 10, 2018
I. Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet
(Jonah 1-4)
A. At Odds with God’s call (Jonah 1:1-3)
B. A Curse to his Shipmates (Jonah 1:4-5)
C. Radically Exclusive (Jonah1:9, 4:1-2)
II. Paul: The Willing Prisoner
(Acts 9-28)
A. Transformed by God’s Call (Acts 9:5-6,15-18, 22:21, 23:11, 25:10-11, 26:17-18, Phil. 3:4-11)
B. A Blessing to his Shipmates (Acts 27:21-26,33-36)
C. Radically Inclusive (Eph. 3:6, Gal. 2:11-14, 3:26-29)
III. The Difference the Gospel Makes
A. Running from or Running to God’s Call (Jonah 1:1-3 vs. Acts 25:10-11)
B. Sinking or Saving Unbelievers (Jonah 1:4-15 vs. Acts 27:24,31, 42-44)
C. Resentful of or Revelling in God’s Grace (Jonah 4:1-3,9 vs. Acts 28:28-31)
IV. Moving From Jonah to Paul
A. Being Shaped by God’s Call (Eph. 2:10)
B. Living through Death (Gal. 2:19-20, Jonah 4:3, Acts 21:10-14)
C. Witnessing to Grace
Questions for further reflection:
1. When in your life have you felt at odds with God’s call? How did you deal with the tension?
2. How in your life have you been transformed by God’s call? In what ways were you changed?
3. Can you recall a time in your life or a particular instance where you were a curse to the people around you? How did your relationship with God at the time affect your relationships with others?
4. Christians are not often noted for being an inclusive bunch. Why do you think that is? Who do you struggle to include in your life or in the life of our church? Who do you have trouble extending God’s grace to?
5. God’s grace can often be a stumbling block for people (remember Matthew’s labourers in the vineyard?). Why are we so often resentful of God’s grace instead of revelling in it?
6. In your day to day life, do you sympathize more with Jonah or Paul? What do you attribute that to?
7. The Bible talks a lot about death and new life. What does it mean to die to oneself? Have you ever been so angry with God you wanted to die? Have you ever felt so alive to Christ you felt invincible? What does the Gospel say about life and death?
8. What is one tangible way you can witness to grace this week?