1 John – A Fellowship of Life, Light, and Love. Part 2

1 John 2:15-3:10

1 John – A Fellowship of Life, Light, and Love. Part 2

The Dark pushes against the Light

I. The reality of a TRINITY of DARKNESS. (2:15-17)
B. This GOES way BACK. (Gen.3:6-7; Mt. 4:3-4,6,8-9)

John is writing to encourage us toward participation in the life of God – aka “koinonia” or fellowship. Today he reminds us of the forces in a broken world that would seek to hinder that life. They are not new, but they are profound and can be a continual nuisance to those who would long for the life of God.

1. Think back to a time when you made a wrong choice. Was it motivated by wanting a feeling, wanting to have something, or wanting control?
2. Which of these three desires seems to be the one that trips you up the most? Why is that, do you think?

II. A TALE of two SPIRITS. (2:18-28)
A. Antichrist: DENIES and DECEIVES. (4:3; 2:18-19,22-23,26)
B. The Holy One: Brings TRUTH and UNION (koinonia). (2:20-21,24-25,27)

This trinity of darkness makes clear a choice between two spirits. The spirit of the antichrist and the Holy Spirit of God. This choice has implications for everything, and sets the direction of our lives.

3. What are the subtle ways the spirit of antichrist finds expression in our world today and attempts to lead us away from God?
4. Has my understanding of “fellowship” changed as we’ve looked at 1st John and if so how?

III. The LIGHT/LOVE that drives away the DARKNESS. (2:28-3:10)
A. God CHOOSES to LAVISH love. (3:1; 4:10,19)
B. UNDERSTANDING our IDENTITY. (3:1; Col. 3:1-4)
C. GROWING into family RESEMBLANCE. (3:2-3; II Cor. 3:17-18)

How can we avoid surrendering the direction our lives to the spirit of antichrist? We need to come back to a fundamental truth that John has been using throughout the book to address the recipients. We are the children of God. Dear children, deeply loved, an adopted into the family of God.5. Kid’s question: What does it mean to you that we are adopted into God’s family?

5. Kid’s question: What does it mean to you that we are adopted into God’s family?
6. We are the children of God, not we will be the children of God. What difference does that make in your life right here and right now?

IV. GROWING into deeper FELLOWSHIP. (2:28)
A. Don’t be afraid to NAME the DARKNESS. (2:15-17)
B. SURRENDER that dark side to GOD. (3:4-6)
C. REST in your ADOPTION as a child. (3:1)

So what can we do to keep in step with the Spirit? How can we move toward the table of fellowship and participation in the divine life? I’m glad you asked. There are some basic steps that we can take (over and over) to help keep us oriented toward where God’s Spirit would lead us.

7. Have you ever sought to identify, verbalize, and confess the dark sides of your life that trip you up? Why or why not?
8. What does “resting in your adoption” look like for you this week?