1 John – A Fellowship of Life, Light, and Love. Part 3

I John 3:11-24

1 John – A Fellowship of Life, Light, and Love. Part 3

This is the Realm of Life [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE THIS WEEK]

I. The POINT is to stay in Fellowship with Christ
A. LOVING one another is the RESULT. (1John 2:28-29)
B. Message from the beginning: You should LOVE one another (v. 11)

1. How do you live out this message? How do you see other Christians living it out?

C. Fellowship w darkness – SIN always wants to RULE. (Gen 4:7-8)
     1. The IDOLS of the Dark Trinity are: (2:16)
          a) Feeling: affection, ESTEEM, APPROVAL, pleasure.
          b) Having: safety and SECURITY.
          c) Controlling: POWER and control.

When we are living in line with the world we naturally pursue these idols. We tend to believe that they will lead us to being happy and fulfilled.

2. What are the things that you go to to help you feel happy or fulfilled?
3. We all struggle with these to some degree, which ones are the toughest for you?

     2. This is the realm of Death: (2:28, 3:12, 13,15, 17, 20)
          a) Self FOCUSED.
          b) Fear POWERED.
          c) Births DESTRUCTIVE outcomes.

D. “Eternal”: Experiencing God’s QUALITY of LIFE now as a present POSSESSION (v15)

4. What is your understanding of eternal life? How does this definition differ? Does thinking about it this way change your perception?

E. Christ LAID DOWN his complete, beautiful Koinonia LIFE.
     1. Laid down that life to step into our created, limited one, (Jn 1:1-5, Jn 3:16)
F. This is the realm of Life: (2:28-29, 3:14-24)
     1. It’s Fellowship FOCUSED.
     2. It’s Love POWERED. (1 Cor 13:1)
     3. It births LIFE-GIVING outcomes.

II. Obedience and action are EXPRESSIONS of our spiritual life. (v.19)

Our actions show that we belong to the truth, they show that we belong to the realm of life. They are motivated because of our belonging, they don’t give us favour to achieve that belonging. We already have it, we are already living in being completely loved and accepted. We have a place at the table.

5. Pay attention to the people around you, are you seeing the realm of life or death?
6. Now pay attention to your own motives and responses. Are they moving you towards the realm of life or the realm of death? What do you want to do about it?

A. Righteousness: conforming to the Father’s will in PURPOSE, THOUGHT, and ACTION. (2:29)
     1. BUT our hearts may CONDEMN us. (v. 20)
     2. BUT, take every thought CAPTIVE , make it OBEDIENT to Christ (2 Cor 10:5)
     3. Notice, PAUSE, Breathe, Think, 2 IDEAS

And as we position ourselves Focused on Fellowship we can name the darkness, name the lies, make them obedient to Christ. Kick the lie out and speak the truth. You don’t have to except all the thoughts that come into your mind.

7. Kids Question: Do you ever do or say things that you wish you hadn’t afterward?
8. What difference could “taking thoughts captive” make if people in the world around us had this skill? What difference could it make for you?

B. The BETTER you know Jesus the more LIKE him you will become. (v.24, Jn 17: , Rom 12:1-2)